November -
The Emperor's Old Clothes
Clothing has always played a vital role in Japanese culture. Traditional robes worn by royalty, geisha women, and commoners once held as much importance in the history of Japan, as do Levi's 501....
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October -
Full Steam Ahead: Air Pots Are Here To Stay!
“Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble!” For the millions of people who already own electric air pots, boiling water using the regular stove and pot method just won't suffice anymore. The traditional method of....
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September -
Moon Cake And Moon Cake Festival
The Moon Festival is one of the most celebrated holidays among people of Chinese decent around the globe. As rich in tradition as it is in colors and tastes, the Moon Festival has a long history of....
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August -
Sake Bombs Away!
Just as sushi, Mount Fuji, and sumo wrestlers are synonymous with Japanese culture, so is sake, Japan's famous rice wine. Dating back to the third century, sake has played a significant role in Japanese traditions....
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July -
Folding Fun With Origami
Japan was introduced to the technique of paper making from China's Buddhist monks between the sixth and seventh century. These monks also knew some simple paper folding methods that the Japanese adopted....
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June -
Yummy Sushi For Your Tummy
The birth of sushi originated from China and was introduced into Japan in the 7th century as a method of preserving fish, since in those days, there were no refrigerators. Raw, cleaned fish were pressed between....
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May -
Rice Cookers Can Cook
We often think of Japan as a single island, but it's actually made up of four large islands, Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku, and thousands of smallerones. Climate varies from island to island, so....
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April -
Mochi is a Japanese confection that is made from a special type of sweet sticky rice. After soaking in water overnight, the rice is steamed and pounded, and then formed into small round balls or cakes....
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March -
Where's the fork and knife? Do you feel nervous and uncomfortable eating in a Chinese or Japanese restaurant when all you have are two sticks for utensils? After reading this month's feature on....
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February -
Yixing Teaware
Yixing (pronounced EE SHING) teapots have been known for centuries in China for its unique tea brewing qualities and unusual appeal. Only in the last one quarter century has there been a resurgence...
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January -
Hot Pot Anyone?
Have you made your New Year's Resolutions yet? If you're like most people (and that includes us, too), number one on your list probably involves food, whether it's to eat less, or to eat better....
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