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Newsletter Archives 2012


December- The Art of Tea Brewing

There is a long history behind the beverage we know as tea. The drink that is said to be second only to water in its popularity worldwide, is made from pouring boiling water over cured leaves of camellia sinensis, a plant ......... read more

November- I've Got my Love to Keep Me Warm: 2012 Mrs. Lin's Kitchen Holiday Guide

November--as the year draws to a close, it is time again during these cold months to snuggle up to loved ones, family and friends by warm fireplaces to celebrate joyous festive moments and to think back on another year that has gone by. ......... read more

October- Asian Seafood

The Asian continent bound on the east by the Pacific Ocean, in the south by the Indian Ocean and in the north by the Arctic Ocean, is rich and bountiful in sea produce. When talking about Asian seafood, one is reaching into a wide culinary chapter. ......... read more

September- Must-haves in an Asian Kitchen

There is an old Chinese saying that states that there are seven must-haves in a Chinese kitchen. These seven essential must-haves are: Firewood, Rice, Oil, Salt, Soy sauce, Vinegar, and Tea. Without these seven items, a Chinese kitchen . ......... read more

August- Hungry Ghost Festival: Remembering the Dead Through Feasting and Celebration

The hungry ghost festival is celebrated in the seventh month of the lunar calendar, typically August in the Western Gregorian calendar.......... read more

July- Decorative Ideas and Tips for Asian parties

Are you planning a summer soiree or an evening of gathering with wine and food for friends and family? This month, our newsletter shares a few tips on how to decorate and jazz up your next Asian themed party. Find out how to delight party guests without burning a big hole in your pocket......... read more

June- Japanese Wedding Traditions: Shinto Style Wedding

In modern day Japan, couples getting married have several kinds of wedding ceremony choices that they can choose from........ read more

May 5- Kodomo no hi: Japanese Children's Day

Kodomo No Hi, the Japanese Children's Day, falls on the 5th of May every year and is a time to celebrate the children in every household in the country. Originally, Kodomo No Hi was Boy's Day, known as Tango No Sekku in Japanese. ....... read more

April 4- Chinese Funerals: The Chinese concept of Death and Rebirth

On April 4th, 5th 0r 6th, the Chinese celebrates the Qing Ming festival. This year the Qing Ming festival is on 4th of April. During this festival, the ancestors and deceased are more

April- HANAMI "The celebration of Spring"

Also known as Hanami in Japan, the cherry blossom festival usually occurs between end of March to early May during the bloom of cherry blossom trees....... read more

March - Chinese Soups: The Way to Health and Vitality

Ever wondered what the big hoo-ha is about traditional Chinese soups? What can Chinese herbal teas and soups offer? And what are the ingredients used to make these soups, and what are their health benefits? more

March 3- Mrs. Lin’s Kitchen’s celebrate Hinamatsuri "Girl's Day"

On March 3rd, it is Hinamatsuri in Japan. This festival is known as Japanese doll festival or girls’ day. On this day, families with girls will celebrate and pray for their growth and happiness...... read more

February- Ikebana: The Spiritual Art of Living Flowers

With the arrival of the lunar new year, Chinese all over the world celebrates another new year and the arrival of spring.  It is a time family reunion and renewal of life more

January - Mrs. Lin’s Kitchen’s Guide to Celebrating the Lunar New Year

With the arrival of the lunar new year, Chinese all over the world celebrates another new year and the arrival of spring. It is a time family reunion and renewal of life more














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