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Teal Egg Shaped Kokeshi Doll

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Teal Egg Shaped Kokeshi Doll
Item# 7016
Was: $28.75
SALE: $17.25

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This kokeshi doll is carved into an egg shape out of one piece of wood and will add a burst of color and vibrancy to your home. The hand painted brunette girl is wearing a teal colored kimono. The outside of the robe is decorated with white and yellow cherry blossoms which are the perfect theme for this youthful doll. Painted brown hair creates the look of bangs on this bright doll and a thin layer of wax is applied to the wood to give it the glossy appearance that it has.

The original kokeshi artists made wooden kitchen and home utensils and saw the business opportunity the resort gave them. The kokeshi dolls were born as a souvenir for tourists to take home with them and were typically unpainted. Throughout the years the artists have been able to be more creative while staying in touch with the simple roots that the kokeshi doll comes from. Made in Japan.

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