There are so many uses for this beautiful little Japanese soy sauce dish, making it an easy choice to welcome into your home! Completely glazed with a dark green accompanied by a multitude of brown speckles near the rim and outer surface, this dish looks as if it was plucked from nature and has wild moss growing on its surface. Perhaps the most noticeable part of this little sauce dish’s design is the large cream white cosmos flower in its center. Engraved into the dish’s interior, this flower is depicted to be growing on a light brown vine with small white petals on it.
With raised edges, this small Japanese soy sauce dish is made to hold any sauce or condiment of your choice. However, aside from just holding sauces for your food, you can consider using this enchanting ceramic plate to hold small office supplies like paper clips, staples, or tacks. You can even leave this Japan-made plate near the door to hold your keys or put candies and peanuts in it to give guests a small snack at the table! Once you’re done using it, you can put this little dish straight into the dishwasher for easy clean up.
This Japanese soy sauce dish sets itself apart from other single saucers (asian-tableware-asian-saucers--single-) through its incredible symbolic design. Within Japanese culture, cosmos flowers are symbols of wholeness, peace, beauty, and the joys of requited love. Whether you are welcoming this functional little dish into your home or gifting it to a friend you love, this timeless dish is sure to impress anyone who sets eyes on it!
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