Featuring several traditional figures from Japan like the Maneki Neko and Seven Lucky Gods, this pair of Japanese chopsticks brings several forms of luck, fortune, prosperity and much more.
Made from quality wood from Japan, this pair of Japanese chopsticks is mainly red with a smooth and glossy finish all over. The chopsticks are round and taper to a small point at the end of the chopsticks.
The top portion of these
traditional design chopsticks features an assortment of million yen coins and traditional books. Join with these traditional items is also a large white, black spotted Maneki Neko that has a small red collar with a gold tag, as well as a million yen coin in its right paw while it holds the left paw raised high to welcome business and customers. Under the Japanese Maneki Neko is also the words “beckoning for fortune” in Japanese.
All Seven Lucky Gods are also found assorted around the million yen coins as well. The Seven Fortune Gods names are Fukujyroku, who is the god of good luck, wisdom and happiness, Benten, the god of art, beauty and knowledge, Bishamonten, the god of gamblers and warriors, Ebisu, the god of business for merchants or fisherman, Daikoku, the god of family and wealth in trade and commerce, Jyuryogin, the god of wisdom, wealth and happiness, and finally Hotei, the god of abundance, happiness, and laughter.
Bring this pair of Japanese chopsticks into your home for a wide assortment of lucky charms or even give it away as a lucky and useful gift to a friend in need. Packaged in a plastic wrap, these chopsticks require hand washing.
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